Abuja Markets Management Ltd. MD resumes work following court judgment

Alhaji Abubakar Faruk, the Managing Director, Abuja Markets Management Ltd (AMML), on Wednesday, resumed to his office after a Federal High Court judgment that nullified his redeployment by the Board Chairman, Abubakar Maina, and the former Minister of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mohammed Bello.
Justice Donatus Okorowo of FHC Abuja, in a judgment on Monday, ordered Faruk’s reinstatement as MD of AMML.
Justice Okorowo also ordered the defendants, their staff and privies to restrain themselves from interfering with the Faruk’s exercise of his powers or carrying out the ordinary business of the company as an MD, including but not limited to holding board meetings.
The judge held that the decision of Maina and Bello to reconstitute the AMML’s Board of Directors in the manner done and publish in a press release of Feb 21 and inaugurated the said board on April 4 was unlawful, null and void.
Alhaji Faruk, who arrived at his office at about 2pm with the enrolled order of the court marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/499/2023, was accompanied by staff and well-wishers to his office.
The MD said he was happy that after about three years of being away, he was back to his office.
“Finally, I am returning to my office and my job after almost close to three years I have been away from the office, even though I have been attending to official matters at home and other places.
“The only place I could not come to work physically was the office, but I have been functioning as the managing director of the company for about three years without necessarily coming to the office.
“But after the judgment that vindicated me, I am elated that I am back to my office and hopefully, I will begin to do what I know how to do best, managing markets in the FCT,” he said.
He said the first thing he would be embarking on was to ensure the cleaning of the dusty office.
Faruk said that the challenge he had would not affect his relationship with co-workers, describing AMML as “a family.”
“What happened doesn’t concern members of staff. So I am happy that I have gotten judgment in my favour.
“I will carry everybody along. In fact, we have been working together even while I was working outside the office.
“So I believe we will continue in that spirit,” he said.
He pledged to reposition the company for better performance than what it was before his redeployment.
Faruk was redeployed out of the AMML in August 2020.

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